The Positive Masculinity Program

Helping men embrace self-care in order to find their purpose, heal their minds and bodies, and strengthen their relationships.

Men have been taught to “man up,” but what does that mean? Is it more manly to bottle up your emotions until you burst with anger? Or settle for less than you deserve for the sake of being stoic and making other people happy? There’s a societal rift that has historically kept men from participating in the full expression of healthy relationships with themselves and others.

You can’t get your needs met or improve your relationships until you get honest with yourself about what you want and what you deserve.

You can’t move forward until you get out of your rut.

The Positive Masculinity Program is designed for you to explore your frustrations, beliefs, emotions, and strengths
to gain the knowledge and confidence you need to either CHANGE or LOVE your life.

These are the results you will get out of this program:

  • Make your wants and needs a priority

  • Have stronger and more satisfying relationships

  • Be confident in yourself and your abilities

  • Have positive and appreciative communication

  • Feel energized in your relationships and your work

  • Have healthy boundaries

  • Have more control over your thoughts and emotions

  • Express your emotions without fear of judgment

  • Feel healthy in your mind and body

This is what you will learn in this program:

  • What limiting beliefs are holding you back?

  • What habits are keeping you stuck and unfulfilled?

  • How to communicate and be heard

  • Your hidden talents and skills

  • How to build and maintain healthy boundaries

  • What it is you really want and need to live a happy life

  • How to properly manage your energy

  • How to stay present and focused

  • Managing your anger and being less reactionary

This program includes:

  • 16 week online course

  • You can attend any and all of the 5 monthly coaching calls

  • Access to a private Facebook group

  • You will receive the A Guide to Mindfulness ebook and journal, plus materials and exercises designed just for you. You will learn powerful real-world strategies as well as meditations, visualizations, and breathing techniques.

Together, we will explore your desires, beliefs, and experiences to help you understand yourself more so that you can get your needs met and improve your relationships.

What is Positive Masculinity?

Positive Masculinity Is a Way of Being

  • It’s having a set of behaviors and traits that empower men to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals. It is about embracing healthy habits that promote kindness, empathy, and emotional awareness.

  • Accepting your true, authentic self and making your desires and needs a priority.

  • Encourages men to be role models to their families, friends, and communities by leading by example with good communication skills, active listening, healthy boundaries, and compassion.

  • Understanding and embracing the fact that self-care is a healthy and manly thing to do.

  • Promotes healthy relationships and the creation of safe spaces to celebrate the diversity of identity and culture. It is a crucial aspect of creating a more equitable and just society where men can be their authentic selves while being respectful to others.


  • Albert

“Before coaching with Lark, I struggled with feeling secure in my career. Then Lark taught me that there were so many more opportunities for me to either love my job or discover what else I might possibly like. The 3 most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Lark are that I have a better sense of what I want for myself, a better outlook on what’s possible for me, and an overall better sense of wellbeing. What I loved most about coaching with Lark is that she hears what I’m saying and can find deeper insights that I never considered.”

Male client
  • Tony

“I used to struggle with social anxiety and had a low tolerance for stupidity. I would get annoyed easily, so I often avoided social interactions. Lark helped me see that I was actually struggling with grief and other emotions that I had never dealt with. Before working with Lark, I think I just tried to power through uncomfortable situations, but now I take the time and allow myself to feel my feelings, good or bad. I am feeling more comfortable in social settings and have even started dating. I am so grateful to Lark for helping me grow as a person. I’m glad I’m not stuck being the asshole I used to be”

Male client
  • Steve

“Before coaching with Lark, I struggled with comfortably engaging in interpersonal communication. Then Lark showed me some learned habit patterns that were holding me back. Understanding these has enabled me to connect with people better. The 3 most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Lark are more enjoyable conversations with strangers, making new friends, and reconnecting with old ones. What I loved most about coaching with Lark is her honesty, which comes from a good place. To grow, we need to be held accountable, and she does that.”

Male client

Men’s Life and Relationship Coach
Health, Life, & Transformational Coach
Certified Hypnotherapist

Lark Ericson

I struggled with a severe case of burnout, which left my physical and mental health completely shattered. This burnout crushed my self-esteem and confidence.

As I slowly recovered, I was struck by the generosity of the men in my life who helped me get back on my feet. They shared with me their struggles and frustrations of not having the same space to care for themselves as women do.

I want to provide men with that space.

I want men to know their feelings are valid. Men deserve to be confident and comfortable exploring their emotions in order to find their purpose, heal their minds and bodies, and have healthier relationships.

You don't have to "man up" or "suck it up" any more. It is time for you to be taken care of, treated kindly, have support, be seen, be heard, and start living the life you deserve.

I want to support you on your journey to embrace your authentic self and create a life you love. I believe in you!

I will have your back, be your own personal cheerleader,
and I will also call you out on your shit.

Let’s get started.

Why I Love Working With Men

Resilience is the capacity to believe that the future can be good again, even in the face of darkness and fear. It’s the capacity to choose future purpose over current pain.

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”

— Amelia Earhart

Mountain range at sunset

You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.

-Louise L. Hays

Let me help you rediscover yourself and your purpose.

 If you have any questions please contact me at